Get Involved
Your financial support is vital at this time to ensure proper renovations are completed in a timely manner which will allow the Home of El Roi to open in 2025 for our mothers and children needing support now.
A Place To Call Home
Home of El Roi offers faith-based, safe housing for single mothers and their children while they are gaining life-skills, training, and other resources to live independently and build a Godly home. Breaking the generational bonds of poverty and providing support for educational opportunities and discipling mothers to be women of God are key elements of focus for Home of El Roi.

She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.”
Genesis 16:13
Your questions, answered
Our goal at Home of El Roi is to help you navigate those obstacles. We offer a wide range of programs and services designed to improve the lives of those in our community. We are here for you every step of the way. For answers to any questions you may have about our programs or services, check out our FAQs section.

In Touch
Your prayers are vital in every stage of Home of El Roi. Please pray for our volunteers, our staff, our mothers, and their children who will enter the program. We desire God’s will to be the very core of all we do and influence all decisions that need to be made to prepare Home of El Roi to serve our community.
Your time and skills are needed. Our current needs are skilled tradespersons in all venues as we undergo renovations. However, there will be many opportunities for those who are non-skilled but willing to serve. Once we open, we will have an ongoing need for volunteers to join us in this ministry.